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"Healing is a matter of time
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

To begin with a cognitive behavioral therapy session, your therapist will ask you to fill out a variety of different forms that assess a range of symptoms and related problems. These forms evaluate depression, anxiety, anger, fears, physical complaints, personality, and relationships. the therapist will also review the various situations and relationships that may cause troubles for you. It is vital to learn the kinds of thoughts and assumptions you may have in different situations, what behaviors you engage in which are rewarding or unpleasant to your and others, and your own way of communicating and listening. The purpose of this evaluation is to gather enough information on you so that you and your therapist can know quickly the kinds of problems you do (or do not) have and the degree of your problem.

The difference between psychodynamic therapies and cognitive therapies lies in the motivational assumptions made by the therapists, and the techniques used to result in a change.  While Psychodynamic theories presume that the maladaptive cognitions arise from specific internal needs or from unsolved developmental issues since childhood, the cognitive therapists see that the maladaptive cognitions arise from wrongly applied social learning, or from a lack of experiences that would allow adaptive learning , from dysfunctional family experiences, or from traumatic events in general. It is the interpretations of the different emotions the patient feels which make a difference, it is not only symptoms. Many people feel depressed after a break up but the interpretation of a break up is what differs from one person to another.For one person a break up means that he cannot be happy, for another it means that he is not loveable, for a third it means he is a failure as he could not keep the relationship and so forth. The patient’s interpretation is the key on which the therapist should depend for his initial target of the therapy.

Some major common cognitive distortions: